Ghanaian popular actor John Bredu Peasah, known as Drogba from the YOLO series, has been diagnosed with a serious condition that has kept him battling for his health the past couple of years.
According to reports, Drogba has been diagnosed with demyelinating disease, a condition that causes damage to the protective covering (myelin sheath) that surrounds nerve fibers in your brain, the nerves leading to the eyes (optic nerves), and the spinal cord.
Neurological issues result from nerve impulses that slow down or even cease when the myelin sheath is compromised.
According to reports, Drogba has been battling this illness for years and requires financial assistance to keep up his therapies.
This was posted by Ghanaian Twitter blogger, Sika Official "John Bredu Peasah, popularly known as Drogba from the Yolo series, is reportedly ill and has been battling a demyelinating disease for the past two and a half years."
He is reaching out for financial support to cover the cost of his treatment.
Kindly read below
John Bredu Peasah, popularly known as Drogba from the YOLO series is reportedly ill and has been battling a Demyelinating disease for the past two and a half years.
He is reaching out for financial support to aid the cost of his treatment.
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