The three (3) men in the Bible who never died have been revealed on Ghana Media Trend
Below are their names and some facts about them:
1. Enoch
Enoch is mentioned in the book of Genesis 5:18–24. As a righteous man who “walked with God," he was no more, for God took him, and he lived for 365 years before he was taken by God, and he did not experience death as others did.
2. Elijah
In the book of 2 Kings 2:1–12, Elijah—an Old Testament prophet and well-known for his powerful ministry—is depicted as being carried up to heaven in a whirlwind by a chariot of fire and horses of fire. Elijah did not die but was taken directly to heaven.
The third person is not that well-known; we usually talk about him.
3. Melkizadek
The author of the book of Hebrews in the New Testament suggests that Melkizadek had no father, mother, genealogy, beginning of days, or end of life (Hebrews 7:3). Although this is not stated explicitly in the Bible, it has led to some interpretations that Melkizadek may be a symbolic or mystical figure and that the Bible does not record his death.
These three people stand out in the Bible as exceptions to the notion that everyone dies, with Elijah and Enoch standing out in especially for their miraculous departures from this life's journey.
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