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A man beats his wife for eating the fish head and leaving the tail for him.


A story of how a man and his wife had to be separated in a fierce fight over the head of a fish has been shared online by a young man who is a neighbor to the couple.

The narrator of the incident who tweeted it claimed that his mother was forced to go separate the quarreling married couple at around two in the morning.

He said that the guy was upset with his wife because she had eaten the fish’s head while leaving him with the tail.

He tweeted: "If I told you my parents settled a custody fight around 2 a.m., the origin being that she ate the head of fish before he returned from work and served him the tail, would you believe?"

This is why I keep hammering on socialization. "There is no way hormones or perceived naturality were responsible for the importance a 40+ man places on the head of fish."


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