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How brave a 12-years-old boy escaped from the jaws of a crocodile


A preteen Zimbabwean boy has his grandmother to thank after he used her survival tactics to escape the jaws of a crocodile that attacked him as he crossed the Save River.

Delvin Mutsvakiwa, the seventh-grade student, escaped with injuries to both arms. The 12-year-old from Buhera fought through the pain and used his grandmother’s wisdom to escape from the crocodile.

Delvin remembered his grandmother’s advice that, should he be attacked by a crocodile, he should poke his fingers into the reptile’s nostrils. With its air supply running out, the crocodile became powerless and let Devlin go.

second batch of our herd to cross the river. We were crossing with the last batch when I felt a sharp pain on my left arm. I realized that a crocodile was attacking me. My friends, who were behind me, ran back to the riverbank and started shouting, advising me to wade to the reeds. I shouted back that it was too deep for me to do that. I could see that if I took heed of their advice, the reptile would eventually overpower and kill me. That’s when I poked my fingers into the crocodile’s nostrils. After a few minutes, I realized that it had become powerless. It let go of its grip on my hand, and I quickly swam to the riverbank. I was badly injured and was bleeding profusely. I had to put some sand on the wounds to stop the bleeding.


However, the crocodile was not done with the young man as it followed his blood trail, with Devlin escaping death by a whisker after the crocodile turned its attention to a goat, which miraculously passed by.

Devlin’s grandmother had imparted knowledge to her grandchildren after one of them lost his life after a crocodile attacked him at the same crossing point.


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